Wednesday, August 22, 2007

A Slight Delay For Quick Charts

I am looking at a few slight adjustments for the HotDC Quick Start Charts, and this will delay the Lulu debut for a week or two at least. It all depends on how much time I get to devote to it. I am making adjustments to the Character Generation section and the covers. Plus, we will have a name for the company. As of now, there is none. My friend in Indy had suggested I should get one, and he's right. I should and I am.

I could have released this product at Gencon or a few days leading up to it. I wanted to, but I didn't have the computer time to devote to crossing the final t's and dotting the final i's. As it turned out, I got a bit of advice that led to this decision to make one last adjustment. I hate devoting as much time as I am to it, but it has to be done. The plan is to get back to work on the Basic HotDC Rulebook by the end of September and see how it goes.

After the Quick Start Charts, I'd like to put together the Danger in the Dwarven Dungeon Adventure that will go with the Quick Start Charts. Now, I could sign off of the Charts book right now, but can I do that when I know this adjustment will make it better and easier to understand? No, I can't. So, that's the plan as of now.

I am considering making a previous edition of the Quick Start Charts available online until the official release, but I'm undecided. Stay Tuned!.

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