The above picture is from the Wizards of the Coast booth at Gencon. The screen pictured above that people are looking at is a movie about D&D 4th Edition. Yep, they are revamping the rules, and it has already hit the fan in some circles as you may imagine. The old school community hates everything WotC does, while some in the 3.5 crowd are upset as well. Not getting into that.
In a future post, I will comment on the Basic Revolution and some interesting developments on that front, but I will only comment in this post where it concerns Basic D&D.
You see, Christopher Perkins of WotC made a comment about Basic D&D as me and another person were discussing D&D 4e with him. He mentioned Basic D&D. No, not the game on the market now that is only good for a couple hours before you need to get the core books. I'm talking first three levels like the old Moldvay Basic, only with streamlined 4e rules rather than 1e rules. I made it a point to get clarification on this.
This isn't getting a lot of press right now as it's all about the core books. As I understand it, they will release a book a month next summer, starting with the Players Book, a Monster Book and the DM's Book. A Forgotten Realms Campaign Book is also in the works, and then a Basic D&D Boxed Set.
As we cover Basic Games here and are working on a product now, I don't want to get into the more rules heavy stuff here, but I will say this. I like the art and the logo Wizards has put on the cover of these books. It's very old school to me.
I really can't help but think they are trying to win some people back who left a couple editions ago.
I am hoping to hear more on this Basic D&D and what it shapes up to be. If they do it right, it will sell well.
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