Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gencon Ramblings 2

This is part of an e-mail I sent to my cousin, who is one of the original gamers from my table some 25 years ago:

Day 1 of Gencon is in the books. Four more to go. Signed up too late to get in the games, but I've done some writing and game writing seminars. More to come, plus some fun seminars. Lots of browsing and a few purchases. Got a couple vintage books, some new Blackmoor books and a Tunnels & Trolls box set. Ken St. Andre, the writer of the rules, autographed it for me.

Met Frank Mentzer (Basic D&D) at the aution and he autographed my Basic rulebook. Gonna try and get Gary Gygax and Larry Elmore (the cover artist) to autograph it next. Met Dave Arneson. Talked for a few minutes. Real nice guy. He's in a wheel chair now, but seems in good spirits. Having him sign a D&D book, though he's a creator of it, seemed like an insult. I won his First Fantasy Campaign Setting on e-bay not long ago. Real nice book. Had him sign that.

Looking forward to Dave's Blackmoor seminar tomorrow, along with some KenzerCo. (Knights of the Dinner Table), writing seminars, Dragonlance, Forgotten Realms and other events. I'm giving serious consideration to returning next year. What a blast. So much stuff. They have booths for about every table top game, some comp. RPG's, vintage books and other stuff associated with RPG's. You gotta see it to believe it.

I always wanted to know what Gencon was all about when I read the ad in the back of the old Basic D&D book we used to play from. Now I know. It's even cooler than I imagined.

By the way, Wizards has announced a 4th Edition of D&D Rules for next year, which has the community divided as usual. Glad I didn't buy the 3.5 Edition. Would have been a waste.

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