Batch #3 from my Gencon collection. I'm not a photographer, but I did what I could with what I had.

I didn't get the booth name on this one of the next picture (doesn't seem to be listed in the program), but these two characters posed for pictures throughout the weekend and offered to pose for pictures with people. I did see a little boy about 3 years old pose with these two. He didn't seem to be scared or even the least bit concerned either.
Beware of the demon!!! These two seemed to enjoy doing this. I noticed there were lots of others taking pictures of them. Wish I had a better camera for this.
Lots of computer games were represented at Gencon, including Neverwinter Nights 2's latest expansion pack. Blizzard was there with World of Warcraft. There were a few games there offering free one week trials. A new Pirates games. I'll try to get a offer a few more details in the column about walking the floor of the Exhibit Hall, but let me just say there were lots and lots of cool computer and console games being demo'ed. I'm a bit surprised Turbine wasn't there representing Lord Of The Rings Online though.
This lady was at the entrance of the Age of Conan booth and posed balancing this sword. Age of Conan is one of the newest games on the block and they were well represented with their own booth. Some of the other computer games actually shared areas.
Signing autographs was one of the guys from Who Wants To Be A Super Hero. As I don't get The SciFi Channel, my week in Indy offered me my first viewing of that show.

KenzerCo is one of the RPG companies competing to be #2 behind Wizards of the Coast. They did the Hackmaster game based on AD&D 1st Edition Rules (more on that elsewhere). Their newest offering is a western game called Aces & Eights. They demo'ed this game at their booth, and this is the model setting used with the miniatures.

One of the cool things about the KenzerCo crew is that they really get into the spirit of what they are doing and have fun with it. David Kenzer, Jolly Blackburn and the crew were all dressed in western wear while working the booth and were friendly and quick to answer any questions.

The Knights of the Dinner Table comic is what attracted me to KenzerCo. If you haven't seen it, check it out. It's funny. Here is a display of back issues going back to the 30's and a cardboard cutout of the comic's game store owner Weird Pete. Kenzer's nights of the Dinner Table live reading was a highlight of my weekend. The Knights and the campaign setting Kingdom of Kalamar are what launched KenzerCo. Hoody Hoo!!!

One of the guts from Survivor was on hand to sign autographs. I'd like to say I have watched the show, but I'm not a big fan of reality shows.

Another of the many people who were in costume during the Gencon weekend. I really wish I had a better camera for this and took more pictures. There were lots of good ones that I missed.
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