The man in the blue shirt is Gary Gygax. He, of course, is co-creator of Dungeons & Dragons. Dave Arneson being the co-creator, but Dave was in a wheel chair after recent foot surgery and asked that no photos be taken. Kind of a shame to me that Dave didn't have the fan support here that I thought he would, but that's for another post.
Gary was at the Troll Lord Games booth at various times to sign autographs and chat with fans. The line at the booth got long at times. Gary has recently spoken of the need to get new fans into RPG's, and the need for a basic set. He himself had a boxed set for his game (Lejendary Adventure Essentials), and I picked up a copy and had him sign it.
The Trolls were a nice bunch of fellows as well. They had a Castles & Crusades boxed set that I was told was basically what the old white boxed D&D set from 1974 was. I was tempted to get that, but they have a Basic C&C set coming soon. The cover artist for some of the C&C books was in a booth next to the Trolls and was also very nice. Troll Lord Games seems to be one of the companies who cares about the old schoolers, and I like that they have Gary Gygax as part of the team.

More swords. I'd love to mount one of these suckers on my wall. Wanna try to get it on the plane coming home?
This nice lady posed for a picture with her sword. I believe she was there as part of the promotion for the new Pirates Multi Player game. There were several games represented at Gencon.
A lady who was getting into the spirit of the convention. There were lots of people in costume at Gencon, but many of my pictures of them didn't come out.

A pirate walks the hallway at Gencon. They had a costume contest, and there were definyely some good contenders. We had Elves, Klingons, Darth Vader, Super Man and many others.
One of the most popular fantasy artists out there is Larry Elmore. His art graces the covers of some of my favorite D&D books. He also dis art for Ever Quest and other stuff. Didn't get a copy of his art book, but it's on my get list for next time. I did get him to autograph my D&D Basic Rulebook.
Larry loves to draw the ladies, and his work is pretty amazing. I did get some post cards of his that I will be framing for the wall. Next time I want to get some of these. There is a picture of the cover of the D&D Expert, Basic and Companion books that he did. My big concern was how do I get them home without ruining them.
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