Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Gencon Ramblings 3

This is another e-mail I sent to my cousin about Gencon:

My digital has been going the whole time, racing, indy motor speedway and Gencon. Some are poor quality, others are pretty good. I'll send some out when I get home. One more day to go at Gencon, and I'm soaking it all in. It's really been fun, and I'm already thinking about next year. Briefly as it's late:

Wizards has announced D&D version 4.0 for 2008, and there will be a basic set later that year that is supposed to cover levels 1-3 like the Moldvay version we played. Talked to one of the main guys and have already signed up for e-mail updates. Yahoo Wizards Of The Coast and you'll get to the page. Sign up for the forum there and you'll make the e-mail list. The cover art is nice and it looks more old school to me. The rules are different, of course.

Met Dave Arneson
Met Gary Gygax
Met Frank Mentzer (Basic D&D)
Met Larry Elmore (Mentzer Basic cover artist)
Met Early Otus (Moldvay Basic cover artist)
Met Ken St. Andre (Tunnels & Trolls)
Met the Kenzer crew (Knights Of The Dinner Table)
got autographs on my books from all.

Dave and Gary are getting older, of course. Gary seemed to be doing okay, but Dave doesn't seem to be feeling well. Elmore is a good old boy from the south who apparently loves women as they are featured in a lot of his fantasy art, scantily clad, of course. : ) Nice guy. Kenzer guys are a blast. Been two their meet and greet and the Knights comic reading, and both were fun and full of laughs.

Went to Mark Stackpole's writing and getting published seminars. This guy has a passion for what he does, and it shows. Lots of good advice I can use.

Okay, this is taking longer that I planned. Screw it, I'll sleep when I get home.

I got Mark's autograph on a T&T Mod I purchased a couple days ago after I figured out who he was.

There is so much that goes on at one of these things that you need to see it to believe it. Lots and lots of booths with everything you can imagine, clothes for the fantasy fan, games (RPG, Board, Computer, Card), dice manufacturers. All the big companies, Wizards, Troll Lords, Kenzer, Paizo, Goodman, Zeitegest, Steve Jackson, Flying Buffalo, Blizzard, Atari, and on and on. People in costume, celebrities.

Lots of seminars, some useful for people trying to get into writing and game making, some covering different campaign setting, the history of Gencon and others.

And, they game all day and night, of course. I wish I had been able to partake of that. I may head to the D&D Demo table just to be a part of that tomorrow. Next time, if there is one, I wanna game more.

Arneson wasn't feeling well and backed out of the Blackmoor seminar at the last minute. I can understand that. He didn't look very happy. He's in a wheel chair due to recent foot surgery and can't get around like he wants too. That, and I'm sure the low registration for his seminar had something to do with it (Less than ten). It's gotta grate on him that he did some much to get the RPG deal started leading up to D&D, and Gary gets all the love. And, people love Gary. He is more out going and friendly. I wish Dave would have a bigger presence on the net so people would understand he's not just guy claiming b.s. He made an impact.

Purchases. Yes, I spend more than I should have and I'll feel it when I get home, but heck, it's Gencon.

Blackmoor and Dungeons under Blackmoor books. I'm interested in reading what Dave cooked up.

Lejendary Adventures Essetials Boxed Set. This is Gary's game.

Elmore art on stickers and post cards. Wanted to buy more, but money... I'd love to get a poster sized picture of the Basic D&D Cover or his book covering a lot of the art he's done.
New T&T Boxed Set and the mod I had Stackpole sign.

A Zeb Cook version of Expert. A little beat up, but the cover is still on it and it's now signed by Earl Otus.

Old School Mod B9 Castle Caldwell & Beyond. The Ghost Of Lion Castle (Sold Adventure for Basic) won at auction for $5. Saw Blizzard Pass and may get it tomorrow. Book Of Marvelous Magic for Basic or Advanced by Gary & Frank Monster Assortment for Basic.

These five are important to my Basic collection, and there's a possibility it could grow tomorrow if I don't talk myself out of it. But hey, It's Gencon and the 40th Anniversary at that. Which reminds me, they have a program...

I also picked up a DVD by the Dead Gentlemen called The Gamers. It's the directors cut, according to the movie's producer. I saw a screening of their movie yesterday and laughed my ass off. Picture buddies gathered around a table playing the game and then flashing to scenes where you see their characters do this stuff. Pretty funny.

I did take pictures, lots and lots of them, so you'll see them at some point soon. It's really something you gotta see to believe. Next one is in August 2008. It's a ways away, but if I start saving... We'll see.

All in all, Indy has been a blast. Good friends, racing and Gencon. Got a plane ride home in a couple days, but I'm not as freaked by the idea as I was getting out here. Well, that's the update.

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