The game being demo'ed is Conquest of Pangea. There were several demos going on, and all you had to do was step up to an open table and give it a shot. There were a good variety of card games, miniature games, rpg's and board games. I must confess I was sort of observing it all this time, but I plan to get more involved in checking out demos next time.
Wanna raise some money for charity. An orc locks on the handcuffs on a prisoner, who will go to the jail cell behind the orc until bail is raised. It was a fun way to raise funds. Didn't catch the charity being donated to. It would be a heck of a deal to get locked up and have nobody pay to get you out. Hmmm... Could they do that?
Whatever you do, don't upset the Klingon. They say the orc is a little nicer. I knew I'd see a Klingon at Gencon. I even saw Darth Vader.

This is from Friday, I think, and the people are lining up to get into the Exhibit Hall. It opened at 11 AM, but media and VIG's (Very Important Gamers) got in an hour earlier.
Notice the 4dventure on the banner. That was from Wizards of the Coast. On Thursday, we wondered what that meant, but later that night they announced 4th Edition Dungeons & Dragons. In 2008, D&D players will need new rule books to stay current.
In some of the rooms, there were miniatures and models set up for the gamers. I happened to grab a few pictures. There was war gaming taking place at Gencon, just as there was some 40 years earlier.
Let the battle begin. You do know where Gencon gets it's name, right? Gary Gygax played war miniatures back in those days. His game Chainmail was a war miniature game set to a medieval theme, and Blackmoor followed that, followed by D&D. Back in those days, they met in Lake Geneva, Wisconsin. In war, we have the Geneva Convention. Well, from that we get Gencon. Now you know the rest of the story.
Ready for another D&D movie? NOOO!!!!!! No, wait a minute, this one might be pretty good. I went to the DragonLance Seminar on Friday. Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman's DragonLance is coming to DVD soon. I thought I heard November or October. Gotta check my notes. It's a cartoon with Lucy Lawless and Keifer Sutherland among the voices. Paramount is releasing it. The movie could hit theaters if Paramount chose to, but Weis & Hickman are hoping for DVD. Why? It's easier to make the money back that way, and they want to make more movies. I took more pictures, but the room was too dark. we saw a making of the movie presentation and trailer.
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