I'm sure a non gamer could poke fun at the guy with the Wizard's Hat playing the game of D&D, but those jerks aren't there. It's just gamers having fun with gamers. The D&D Room was pretty full most of the time with new games starting every two hours.

Beware Of The Troll. Fought plenty of these in Expert D&D, and they weren't easy. Be sure to burn them afterwards. It took me a few shots to get this picture right. It's a tiny camera on a key chain, and I just wasn't used to it I guess.
I think this was from the Beginner's D&D side of the room. In my day, we used graph paper (Damn, I sound old). The fold up mats and miniatures displayed here actually keep the game moving quickly, but I still like the days when it was revealed a little at at time on graph paper. It added to the imagination. What's behind that door? Be careful. Can't blame Wizards for going with the miniatures. Lots of money to be made there.
A closer shot of the minis to be used in this session. Looks like as many as eight players might have been in this particular gaming session.
Thar Be Dragons!!! This was definitely not a beginner's game. I had to get a shot of this one. The DM actually put it into the display box t allow for a better picture. Whoever was in this particular session was in for a challenge.

Look at everybody getting a little D&D Gaming in. Made me want to play. I did ask about getting into a Beginner;s game with the two generic tickets ($3.00) I had. I understood it to be $3.00 to play, but I heard $30.00 from the guys at the desk. Now, I wanted to play, but that was a bit steep for a two hour session. Either that was an RPGA thing, or it was a tourney fee. Either way, I didn't get to break out my lucky dice and sit at the table. Next time, register early.
They had big dice on display. I wonder how many 8's my fighter could have rolled with this bad boy.
A big 4 Sider. To me, the most useless dice of the game. Back in the day, a Magic User was rolling Hit Points with this and dagger damage. Even if he did get into the fray, he wasn't doing much more than 4 points damage (depending on strength) and he couldn't take a hit.
The 20 sider. Looks like the last roll was a 10. That'd be a big miss. If you're like me, you have a few 20 siders at the table. If one of them gets cold, you try to change your luck with another one. Could have used a lucky 20 sider at the demo D&D game I got into on Sunday, but that's another story.
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