Tuesday, July 31, 2007

Looking At Copyright Issues

I had a post typed and ready to publish, two in fact. I chose not to, because I didn't want to come off as being against two old school projects that I'm cheering for. The fact is, I'm getting just a little bit irritated by the people who say what is being done is against the law, without really getting into specifics. I just want them to put up or shut up. Now, these posts I chose not to post could end up in an edition of The Heroes Chronicle, but I haven't decided. In the meantime, I'm going to attempt to make a point that was in one of those posts.

First, the copyright law that I am referencing here. The link will have it in its entirety:


The idea for a game is not protected by copyright. The same is true of the name or title given to the game and of the method or methods for playing it.

Copyright protects only the particular manner of an author’s expression in literary, artistic, or musical form. Copyright protection does not extend to any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in the development, merchandising, or playing of a game. Once a game has been made public, nothing in the copyright law prevents others from developing another game based on similar principles.

Some material prepared in connection with a game may be subject to copyright if it contains a sufficient amount of literary or pictorial expression. For example, the text matter describing the rules of the game, or the pictorial matter appearing on the gameboard or container, may be registrable.

Okay. Recently, a local store I shop at had a game called Serpantes y Esscalades (sp?) that was described in Spanish. It looked remarkably similar to Chutes & Ladders, a game I played often as a kid, but I saw no mention of Hasbro. This appears to be a knock off game.

Reading the above document, it appears that you could theoretically take a game like, say, Monopoly and re brand it. You can't use the property names, Community Chest or even the little car or the bucket, but you don't have to. Call the game Total Ownership, rename the properties, add condos and cottages instead of houses and hotels and call the cards you draw something else. Redescribe the rules without using any of the terms used in Monopoly.

This would appear to be legal, but of course, why would you want to do it? Classic Monopoly is still available in stores. Just go and buy it. I haven't looked, but I'd be surprised if it hasn't happened at the very least once. People do knock off products all the time. Some cross the line of what's legal, but many are legal under the law.

But, what about old the Role Playing Games? Obviously, after D&D was published back in the 70's, other games came to light. You can't create a medieval role playing game system and then claim nobody else has a right to make that type of game. Tunnels & Trolls and Runequest are two that appeared not long after D&D, and offered alternatives. Of course, they weren't mimicking the D&D rules exactly. They played much differently. Runequest seemed more complex, while T&T was simplified.

No copyright concerns there.

With Wizards offering up D20 and OGL to publishers, one might think they opened the door for an old school version of D&D to be emulated, but that's not really what they had in mind. They were attempting to make it possible for independent publishers to publish works compatible with the current 3.5 Edition of the rules. Some good companies, such as Goodman Games and Paizo, have come on board with that.

But, is it theoretically possible to use the OGL and laws of Copyright to make an emulation of the older version of D&D? This is a question that has been posed, and we all know an effort has been made to test the waters. When I first started thinking about reviving my old game idea, I thought about recreating that old red box set game I know and love. But, I wasn't comfortable with the idea that I could be sued or that I could put hours into creating a book, only to be told I could do nothing with it. I balked and went a different way, but I still watch the other effort with great interest and hope for the future.

I've been thinking about this for a while. What is the danger of trying to recreate the old game (Basic or Advanced) for a new generation and an old generation that wants it back? Can it really be done? Let me look at the Copyright document cited above, and see if anything comes to mind. Understand that this is opinion, and nothing I say here should be considered legal advice.

Copyright protects only the particular manner of an author’s expression in literary, artistic, or musical form.

What I'm thinking is the owners of 1st Edition, The Wizards (the real authors were bought out long ago), own the expression of those rules, not just the proper names and trademarks. Huh?

Okay, let me go through more of the document and see if I can sort this out. Those who think it is possible to do it may cite this in support of their claim:

Copyright protection does not extend to any idea, system, method, device, or trademark material involved in the development, merchandising, or playing of a game.

And this:

Once a game has been made public, nothing in the copyright law prevents others from developing another game based on similar principles.

But there may be an honest challenge to that notion if Wizards wants to make a case. Do they? I don't know, and I hope not. What's my point? I'm getting to it. Let me give you the critic's rebuttal from the above document, and then I'll make my point:

Some material prepared in connection with a game may be subject to copyright if it contains a sufficient amount of literary or pictorial expression. For example, the text matter describing the rules of the game, or the pictorial matter appearing on the gameboard or container, may be registrable.

The point of conflict seems to be what is copyrightable from an RPG and what isn't. Certainly, even the supporters of the effort to revive old school D&D agree Melf's Acid Arrow or Eye Of The Beholder or Dungeon Master and other names are off limits. They have used the OGL to do what they are doing and claim legality. It has yet to be challenged, and may never be challenged. Then again...

The fact is, the critics challenge the very existence of their product and it's legal right to even attempt to bring back 1st Edition under the OGL that seems more designed to support D&D 3.5 than previous works. Do you think The Wizards even expected this to happen? Well, they should have. People love that old game and some of them don't like the new game. If Wizards won't address their concerns, and they didn't, an old school project was bound to happen.

So, what's the challenge? If you are going to basically take 1st Edition and put it back into circulation, which is what the old school project does, then you are basically republishing an out of print product, at least in part, that is still owned by a company that has moved on from it. Can it even be done? That's the question, but I think I know one of the concerns of legality that some are feeling.

In the above document, it says you can basically make knock off products and I believe you can with D&D as well. There may be a way to do it that they haven't even considered. Well, they probably have and rejected it as going too far away from the mark. Yes, they have pulled the trademarked stuff from what they've done, and yes, they have redescribed the rules and other things in their own words, but they forgot something. Okay, maybe they didn't. Maybe they felt they didn't have to due to the OGL.

Terms like Armor Class, Hit Points, Hit Dice, Spells, Levels and so many others are covered in the legal documents The Wizards released, but they are covered in the D20 sense as compatible with D&D 3.5. Does it still pertain to a 1st Edition version of the game? THAT'S the unanswered question. The man who handled OGL for The Wizards eluded to that recently at Enworld.

Again I'm not trying to attack anybody or be negative. Fact is, I would like nothing more than for Basic D&D and 1st Edition AD&D to be back on the shelves in book form, not just pdf form, but that is a decision The Wizards have to make. It seems to me, there are areas in these documents that need to be challenged for clarification, and that's what the old school project is doing. Basically, they are saying show us what's wrong with it, or back off.

In it's current form, it may be that AC, HP, HD and all of that stuff could be what's pointed to by the critics as being against the law or at least the spirit of what Wizards had in mind with the OGL. But it's open, right? Maybe, maybe not. If Wizards feels the old school project isn't within the spirit of the OGL as they envisioned it, there could be a problem in the future, and I say could be. They may decide it isn't worth the trouble.
Wanna avoid that problem? Armor Class becomes Armor Level or Defense Level. Hit Points become Life or Health Points. Hit Dice become Life Dice. Don't refer to rolling a 20 sided dice as roll a d20. In short, take out all of those terms. Rename the characteristics. If certain charts are off limits, create new ones or devise other methods to describe the mechanics of the game.
Remember, Copyright protection does not extend to any idea, system, method, device that makes the game work. The terms in question may be owned, but the ideas those terms represent are not. Therefore, if somebody REALLY wanted to put something on the shelves, THAT may be the way to do it. I'm no lawyer, so I can't say for sure. If you were going to try, you'd better use good judgement, or you could still get into trouble.

In the end, I will continue to work on HotDC as it is and attempt to make it work as it is. I've put enough work into it, and I'm starting to like the way it's looking. I just felt like offering an opinion on the subject that I haven't seen offered anywhere else. I certainly hope the old school efforts gain momentum, because we need them. There is nothing wrong with being able to play an rpg with some paper, one rulebook and some dice, rather than a bunch of books, miniatures and game mats.

Sunday, July 29, 2007

Version .91 Updated

The Quick Start Charts book is now 34 pages. Added stuff includes brief Profession & Race descriptions and rules for playing Board Game Style play. Both will be expanded on in the main rule book. I decided I needed to do this, but I need to stop here and start reading the book for errors again. If I'm not satisfied with things after that, there won't be a publishing before Gencon. I don't want to rush it for the sake of rushing it.

I've also found that I'm pushing myself harder lately. I think I have had the idea of going to Gencon and ordering this book from the Lulu booth. The idea of buying my book at Gencon is appealing to me, but the idea of stressing too hard over it is a turn off to me. I will have enough time this week to decide if I'm comfortable with releasing it. If not, then no big deal. There's time to get it right.

I am still leaning towards releasing it, but we'll see. I'm told that Goblinoid Games will be releasing Labyrinth Lord this week at some point and that the pdf of the rules will be available for free. This is exciting news. The question is, could the HotDC Quick Start Charts be released for free on the web? I'm leaning towards no on that as I'm not even sure I want to release a pdf. That could change. I'm not planning for a big profit per sale if I release this book, and the total sale should come in under $10. As I said, I'm still thinking about it.

Saturday, July 28, 2007

HotDC Quick Start Charts Status Report

I keep a notepad log with my revisions of this book as I change things. I started with version 5.0 I think, and at that time it was just meant to be a reference for me to work with, rather than organizing the loose pieces of papers with rules scribbled on them. At version .9 now, this project has grown into one that could be offered for sale on lulu. The price tag if offered, by the way, should be less than $10 and over 30 pages.

What the book does not have is all of the full descriptions of Creatures and Incantations and other things. The basic rules for playing the game and the charts are included, along with stats for Creatures and Incantation information for Priests and Mages. It's meant to be a taste of what's to come with the Basic HotDC Rulebook coming in the next few months maybe.

Of course, thumbing through this book has revealed the annoying typos that always seem to lurk beyond my recognition until after a test printing. This is why I test print as I don't always catch them while staring at the screen. There were two typos I missed, one being an abbreviation that has changed and the other a messed up abbreviation. I also caught two rules, one in Resistance Rolls and one in the Combat Rules, that needed clarification.

I worry about releasing this book and having more such mistakes. I hate mistakes. They used to drive me right up the walls in my days of doing a short track racing publication.

I had sort of thought the book had enough content and had started jotting down three or four word sentences for describing the Races and Professions for Game Characters (Heroes). You see, I had just about finished reworking them and typing them (all except Halflings) when I suddenly diverted attention from the main rulebook to the Quick Start Charts. Upon reflection, I started considering if I should rewrite them to make them even more unique to HotDC, which is why I started writing the notes. What I got were some raw descriptions and the question I asked myself afterwards.

Should I include them in the Quick Start Charts book? Seems like something I should do, so I am pursuing this more. Recently, I got the confirmation that I am going to Indy and Gencon. With lulu having a booth at Gencon, I have to consider making this available. I'm giving myself until Friday to make a final decision. In the meantime, I'll see about including these brief Profession and Race descriptions in the book.

Last night, I began messing with the Board Game Rules that will be the ninth part of the Basic Edition Rulebook. I intend to fully describe them there, but could I describe them enough in this book to make them usable. I think I can, so I am pursuing this. I typed something last night and may add it to the book.

The next question is should I add more pages to this book? If I don't need to, I won't. I'm going to try to avoid doing that. By Tuesday, I'd like to have the content locked in for my Friday decision. I have worked on the covers already and will need to work on the final adjustments needed to publish. That way I will be able to publish on Friday if that is my decision. That also means that this blog will go live if the decision is a go for publish.

I don't even know if anybody is reading what I have posted these past four months. I have been posting as a record of my thought process and chose not to announce this blog's existence until I felt more comfortable with things. When I was involved in racing, I felt more comfortable with my presence on the web. Gaming is something I did more frequently before being really involved in racing, and it was shoved to the back burner for racing and the fact that nobody played Basic D&D at that point.

However, you have to move ahead at some point. I don't expect to set the RPG world on fire. There are others who have stayed involved all these years and bright newcomers as well. That Basic Game still isn't there yet, though I hear people are working on it. I still think I can offer something worthy. Can I really pull it off? I hope so. I'm enjoying the attempt, and I'm learning more about the community all the time.

One last note. I may offer some of the best moments from this blog in a magazine called The Heroes Chronicle. It would likely be a free pdf on lulu and/or a printable book sold at no profit to me. The magazine would discuss the HotDC creative process and my observations about the community. At this time, I would be the only writer, and there is no artist involved. The only art I've even used for the book is what came with the Publisher's Program I'm using.

A Few Pictures Of HotDC And Comments

This one is the 11x17 copy of Heroes of The Dungeon Crawl Quick Start Charts version .9, some HotDC Character Sheets, dice, pencils and graph paper. It's all you need to start playing HotDC. Upon thumbing through this 32 page booklet, I caught two more typos and two rules that needed clarification. It's always frustrating to keep finding mistakes, which is one reason I'm debating the lulu release. The next post will expand on that and still more possible Quick Start Chart additions.

Overall, though, I love this book. The rules are there in raw form. This was never intended to fully explain everything, but there's enough info in it to start playing. The Basic Edition of the HotDC Rulebook is meant to go into more details. This is more the nuts and bolts.

These two pages begin to explain the Attack-Defense System (ADS) for HotDC, which is very simple and easy to master. I admit it has a familiar feel to Fighting Fantasy, which I was unaware of at the time. However, there are some key differences that set it apart. ADS is different in several ways. The main point for me was this was a key departure from the Armor Level System I started with for the Six Sided Dice game. The ALS was very similar to the old red book's Armor Class System, which is why I decided to change it after the first test session. I want an old school feel, but HotDC must make its own way.

I've adjusted and changed several mechanics because of my desire not to copy the old game that I loved, and more changes are sure to come. I still feel I am creating a basic game, but it can't just copy the other game. This presents all sorts of challenges and is why the September release date is probably out the window.

This is the notebook I found several months back that revived this project. I started jotting down my first ideas inside this book. I started writing on the backs of receipts and expanding the game until I finally opened up a word pad and started typing and created this blog. I still carry this book with me when I walk and jot down notes as they come to me. I never know how things will evolve with this game, and some rules in this note book have changed a few times.

This is the first page I wrote, calling the game Heroes of The Dungeon Crawl. Some of the stuff on this page has already changed. Wizards are now Mages and Clerics are Priests. Theifs are Rogues. The three traits are still the same, but Battle Strength has become Attack Strength with Defense Strength also added.

I do enjoy the creative process, but having that printed booklet in my hands was a proud moment as well. I am leaning towards releasing the Quick Start Charts booklet on lulu, but I will need a few more days to consider things. The next post will discuss that further.

Friday, July 27, 2007

My Gencon 2007 Report

Here is my Gencon 2007 Report. As other posts are made on the blog, these will get lost in the archive, so I created this post to keep them easy to reference. If blog room becomes an issue, the pictures may be moved or put in a future issue of The Heroes Chronicle, which is intended to be a free pdf download.
Gencom Videos (2007)
I didn't do any of these videos, but they are Gencon relevent and give you an idea of what goes on there. All files are hosted by YouTube and were functional when I linked them here.
Hickman's Killer Breakfast Film. They play it before the event to get you ready for it.
Heroscapers.com at GenCon 2007 - From an Exhibition Hall Demo Table
Nicolas Logue--Game Master From an Exhibition Hall Demo Table

Links To Previous Posts Of Interest

Rather Than Wading through the whole blog to get to some of the more important posts, here are some of the good ones of interest. These are posts that explain some of my thought process in making Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl. This isn't all of them, but it gives you a good idea of things. You'll have to search for the rest.

Introducing Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl

A Quick Start Rules Set For HotDC?

A Few Pictures Of HotDC And Comments

A New Combat System

Working On Rogue Ability & Incantation Charts

An HotDC Article On Dice & An HotDC Update

The Challenges Of Doing It Differently

The Secret City Of Modayvia

Danger In The Dwarven Dungeon

What Led To A Second Level Of The Dwarven Dungeon?...

Tuesday, July 24, 2007

11x17 Printing of HotDC Quick Start Charts

Just got back from the printer with my newest copy of version .91 of the HotDC Quick Start Charts. Looks awesome. With what's in this 32 page book, you can play several sessions of HotDC without too much problem. It has all the charts in it that are needed and gives you a good idea of what this game's about. I added 3rd Degree Incantations and added a few more Creatures to it before heading to print, but I'm not sure those will be included in any lulu release of this product. I've been wondering where I should draw the line, and I think I've found it.

Understand that this product is meant to be a taste, not quite like a Basic Edition, but similar in that it's the first three Degrees that are really covered. The actual Basic HotDC Rulebook is meant to have all the Creature and Incantation descriptions in full along with step by step instructions on how to play, very similar in book structure to the way Tom Moldvay did that old red book, though the rules are going to be different in this six sided dice system. Plus, I intend to have instructions for playing game board style. Though I depart in rules, I very much intend to capture the feel of a basic game that is simple to learn and play.

The Quick Start Charts will give you all the basic charts needed to play this game, and I intend to keep an e-mail address in the book for anybody with questions if I do publish this. Also, I hope to keep the cover price for this as low as possible (possibly under $10.00). The reason being that it won't have all the rules of the final products that take you to 10th Degree, and rules may change in this game between now and then. One of the things I am doing is trying to make certain rules less derivative of the old red book, while striving to keep it simple. I think I have done okay with it so far.

I can't believe it has come this far. I'm excited about that. I'm excited about taking it further and seeing what all can be done with this game. I have always wanted to try and do something like this, and now I am. I can't wait to see where it goes next. The Quick Start Charts project has about wrapped up, unless there's a little editing to be done. No new content is likely to go in. The Basic HotDC Rulebook needs to be pushed back up front along with the actual mod ideas I'm working on .

Gencon Bound? A Plug For Labyrinth Lord

I have been in contact with my good friend Don. We worked together in auto racing when I was writing and announcing a few years back. He lives in Indy and has been telling me I need to get out there for a visit. Well, I mentioned a while back that Gencon was happening there and this would be an opportunity to visit and see this big convention for the first time. Don and his wife Linda are not only friends, but they sponsored me during my last few years publishing my racing magazine. They were willing to sponsor my way to Indy and put me up at their place. The offer has been there, but I hesitated out of fear of flying.

Over the last few days, I have been ready to go to this deal. Dave Arneson will be there. Gary Gygax, Frank Mentzer, the guys from KenzerCo., Goodman Games, Flying Buffalo and on and on. I decided I needed to go to this thing and see what it's all about. Don told me last weekend that the offer is still there, but I needed to act fast. Yesterday, I made that call to Don and said I was in. Within the next day or so, I will hear word on the plane ticket, and then it will be official. It looks like I will be going to Indy to visit my good friend and check out the racing scene (that's for another blog) and going to Gencon.

I'm excited for the opportunity, and it's another one I may not have had if not for Don. I was number crunching pretty hard this last weekend, but I didn't think I could quite pull it off. Just a few too many expenses. I may have the HotDC Quick Start Charts available on lulu by then, which would technically make me a published game designer if I do. Since lulu will have a booth there, people would be able to check it out at the convention. That's a pretty cool thought. Of course, this also means I will probably post my observations of Gencon. As I don't have my badge yet, I can't sign up for any of the presentations. Should have gotten on this earlier, I know. There are a few I'd like to make, but we'll see.

I was posting at Dragonsfoot with Daniel of Goblinoid Games. He's already published, and his next project looks to be a few days from release, the Retro Clone Labyrinth Lord. I'd love to have taken on this project, but I just didn't feel comfortable with the legal questions. Daniel has made some mods for OSRIC, so he's more familiar with this deal. What I've seen looks good, and there may be a possibility a mod I do in the future will be made compatible for Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl and Labyrinth Lord. I must say I considered giving up on HotDC when I heard about LL, but I didn't. I still think I have something good here, and there's room for both of us.

Sunday, July 22, 2007

Quick Start Charts Version .9

I updated the the HotDC Quick Start Charts booklet and have increased the pdf to 32 pages. This was a goal as I would like to do a test printing soon with an 11 x 17 format. You need a number divisible by 4 to do it. I had 28 pages, but I knew at the time I would need to add a couple pages. I added 3rd Degree Creatures, explained combat in better detail, redid the Magic Treasure Charts, added my column about rolling dice (posted here last month I believe), added some stuff about the game and why I'm doing it, added a new back cover and corrected more errors. Still not ready to call it version 1.0, but it's getting closer.

I am considering adding a few more Creature options to the 0 though 2nd Degree Charts as those charts each have 11. The 3rd Degree Chart actually has more and you roll three six siders (rd3) rather than two as with the others to check randomly. I have a few Creatures that were left off, and I really didn't explain Non Gaming Characters as I probably should have.

3rd Degree Incantations for Priests and Mages have been outlined. Do In include them here? At what point do I stop adding to this pdf and save it for the main book?

I'm also still looking at Armor Absorption as a possible optional rule in this pdf. Not sure it's getting in though.

I'm pretty excited to have gotten this far with this project. I have two questions which will get answered soon enough. Do I upload this baby to lulu and make it available for purchase? And, am I going to gencon for the first time ever? Believe it or not, I have a great opportunity to go, and I'm seriously thinking about it. I need to decide within the next day though. Stay tuned. If I go, there will be posts about it here.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Back To HotDC

I felt the need to steer things back to the point of this blog, Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl. I have things to say from time to time, but I don't want to lose focus. Work continues on the game. I will be working on the Quick Start Charts for a while longer and then refocusing on the Basic HotDC Rulebook. Things I'm addressing at the moment:

1-Rogue Abilities. I am redoing the charts to make them more unique to HotDC. As time goes on, I will be doing that more and more with other areas of the game.

2-Mage & Priest Incantation Charts. The chart explaining how Incantations are earned is being overhauled, again to make it more unique to HotDC. I am working on an Incantation Point System at the moment. The main thing to me is that it stay in the spirit of the basic game.

3-Treasure Charts. I will be revisiting these at some point and probably making changes. There may be an overhaul, again to make it more unique to HotDC.

4-Maps. Still working on the Three Kings Island map and the dungeons above the Secret City Of Moldayvia. Not the top priority now, but a work in progress.

As it stands now, the Quick Start Charts pdf is at 29 pages. A goal of mine is to get it to 32 pages and do a test booklet printing. I've already incorporated some layout changes with the thought in mind that there could be an official release of this book on lulu at some point.

This is all a work in progress, and I'm not trying to set myself up for one position or another on the rules, other than the idea that I want them to be in the spirit of the one book basic tradition. This is why I don't want to set a definite date for anything as things can change. In the meantime, the work continues.

Comments About T&T & Gaming In General

It occurred to me that I may have come off as being against Tunnels & Trolls, and I hope that's not the case. I'm a fan of this game and Flying Buffalo for staying true to their vision all these years. I see a few places where the book could be explained better, particularly for Game Masters who want to get into it.

I'll relate a couple of T&T experiences. I believe it was my friend Brian who introduced the game to me, same as with D&D. I got the box back in 1982, I think. I still have that rulebook and Buffalo Castle Solo Adventure. Rules seemed simple enough to me, and I jumped in to play Buffalo Castle. It was fun. It's been years, so I may revisit it soon. I don't recall if Brian GM'ed me at all back then, but I showed the game to my brother and others at my table. Nobody seemed interested, and the game went on the shelf.

When Free RPG Day came, T&T was at the top of my list of things to check out. I grabbed a copy of the Quick Rules and Goblin Lake. An experienced gamer can take that Quick Start Set and GM a game with only a little preparation. Plus, there's a solo adventure and an adventure a GM can use. The rules are the same. Imagine that!!! I'll get back to that point in a minute as I may rant there.

My Goblin Lake Adventure lasted briefly. I rolled up a Goblin as suggested, and he lasted about 7 or 8 panels in before dying as part of the Goblin King's Army : ) That made me laugh. The adventure was a little lethal as I read on, but maybe that was what they were going for.

Now, let me just say that the T&T Rulebook could use a face lift, but the rules are fine. From start to finish, the rules could be explained better, more charts could be useful in places and the monster section is lacking. The treasure section is lacking. I would not be for changing the rules or the art in that book as this is what makes T&T special and unique. However, the rules could be explained better. Might even get more people to try this diamond in the rough out for the first time.

Things I like about T&T:

1-Character Generation is simple and easy.
2-Combat system is easy. Love the six sided dice idea. The way the rules are laid out, a group of characters, working as a team, are a match for some of the bigger creatures, like dragons, on occasion.
3-You can't get every cool basic item at start. This is something I am working on in HotDC, and T&T had it right from the start. As you gain money and levels in T&T, you can get better weapons and armor. Your strength in T&T dictates what weapons and armor you can use.
4-Armor Absorption. Your armor actually absorbs some of the hits from your opponents. I'm exploring an optional rule in this area for HotDC, but I'm not sure it will work out. My desire is not to copy others, but if I see aspects that are adaptable to HotDC, I will give them a look.
5-Buying Spells. The Magic User in T&T can buy spells. He can only cast his level in Spells, but the list goes up to 20th or so (I'd have to check). It costs the Magic User strength to cast.

This is a neat little game, and T&T was always meant to be different from D&D and easy to play. The rules are so simple I would love to find a game in my area and give it a try. One thing I like about T&T is that they didn't feel the need to change all the rules to make them "better" like some others have done with their games. The layout could use some work, but the rules in that book are fine.

I'm getting just a little bit frustrated with the way gaming is going. I've gotta be honest. The rules for D&D 3.5 just don't do it for me. I feel they are designed for computer rpg's or to sell miniatures. I wasn't a big fan of AD&D, but at least I understood that game. It seems what Wizards has done is make their own game and use the title coined by Gary Gygax and TSR all those years ago, which they own and have a right to do. What's wrong with the game Gygax and Dave Arneson made all those years ago? Not a damn thing, in my opinion.

What really frustrates me is I don't see much on the shelves that I really even want to play. That version of D&D is foreign to me. I feel like if that's the game I must play, why not go back to Neverwinter Nights? All I need to do is click and play and not get a headache trying to figure out what roll I need to make. I'm told that's the way it is now. There's not much call for the old school stuff. Who made that decision? Wizards? Did they just decide this stuff needed to be pushed and everybody just fell in line?

I know better than to think there is no interest in the old school style, but it's been a quiet, but growing movement. It reminds me of the movie Barton Fink, where the guy wrote a book, but the publisher owned it and was putting it on the shelf for nobody to see. Wizards has no reason to whip out 1st Edition AD&D and Moldvay/Cook Basic/Expert D&D for even a limited printing for those of us who care, because they make enough money anyway.

But things like Hackmaster, Castles & Crusades, OSRIC, Basic Fantasy and Labyrinth Lord prove there is a growing interest for old school gaming. I don't believe there is no interest, but the big companies don't seem interested in giving the people in this market what they want. It seems wrong to own a set a rules that people have loved for years and keep them in the vault, telling those who want them to just play your new version of the game. It's their right to do that, but that doesn't make it the right thing to do.

I still worry about OSRIC and LL, because I just don't see how this is legal. They have lawyers working on OSRIC, and I still feel uneasy about it. I really want LL to work, and I'd love to design an adventure for it. What happens when they sick the lawyers on them? Considering some of the things going on lately, I see that as a possibility. Wizards could be simply watching and waiting. They could do nothing. They could, if we were lucky, see that there is a growing interest in this stuff and open the damn vaults. With lulu sitting out there, they could take advantage of that as a way to save costs on releasing the old stuff.

Whatever the case may be, I guess I just felt the need to rant a little bit. If the gaming public is happy, than what does it matter what my opinion is on the matter? It still say a basic game is needed and could sell if done correctly. It worked before anyway. In the meantime, I'll just keep plugging away at Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl in the hopes of making it available for anybody interested in the not too distant future.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Working On Rogue Ability & Incantation Charts

When I started this journey with HotDC, I used the old red book, Moldvay Edition as a jumping off point. I still intend to lay stuff out in a similar format with a different style if that makes sense. I think the way things are explained makes a game easier to learn or lose the gamer's interest. Take Tunnels & Trolls for instance. I actually like this game. It was the first non D&D RPG game I ever played back in 82 or so. The T&T Rule Book wasn't laid out all that great back then. I figured they did it that way on purpose to stay different from the game they made reference to as "that other game" a time or two in the book.

Well, 25 years later, I checked out the latest edition and was disappointed at the layout once again. It is a simple set of rules, but I think the layout leaves a little to be desired. I'm sure it sells fine and my opinion is b.s., but it lacks Monster Descriptions, Magic Items listings, the Spell Listings could be different. If I were going to DM a game of T&T, using that book would be a bit of a pain in the butt. What monsters do I started with? What about at 3rd level? If I'm using the book to use one of those T&T Solo Adventures, it's fine, but for DM'ing? I had intended to pick up a copy, but why bother when I already have the old book? I had hopes things would be better explained.

But, could it be that they did it this way to avoid legal issues with TSR all those years ago and wish to play it safe now? Perhaps, although it is funny. TSR was sent a legal letter to remove Hobbits and Balrogs, among other things, from D&D way back then. The T&T book I saw at the store still had them. Guess they sneaked in under the radar on that one. Please don't think I'm attacking T&T, because I really like this game. It is simple and easy to learn, which is one of its main selling points. The layout could be a little better after all these years, without losing the simplicity of the game. It could actually make it better.

On to Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl. I have began reworking the Incantation and Rogue Ability Charts. The reason being that I didn't feel they were different enough from the red book. You are rolling six siders, so the Rogue Chart does look different in that regard. I've given them both a tuneup. The actual mechanic isn't changing that much, but the way it's explained is. Hopefully I will update the HotDC Quick Start Charts to reflect that in the next day or two.

You walk a fine line when designing a game when others have set the ground work before you. Even though the feel you wish to emulate is of a game not even on the shelves anymore, in favor of a more convoluted set of rules, you need to understand that somebody owns those rules, or at least the descriptions and certain names. This is why HotDC has gone the rout of coining new names and phrases that will accomplish similar things. This process takes time, which is why I have no due date for release.

The tricky part gets when you start messing with the Creatures and Incantations. Certain things are owned by the big guys, and certain things are not. I am seeking to be as careful as I can not to add anything to the book that I shouldn't. Some things you can create a new name and description for, and others it is best not to mess with. My Creature List is only expected to be 100-120 Creatures long at the most, but the Attack-Defense System will allow the Hero Guide to make adjustments for higher or lower Degree Game Characters.

This is not an easy process, but I didn't start doing it because it would be easy. In this day and age when we have computers, big TVs and other things to entertain us, it would be nice to have a simple game that could tempt people to sit down at the table and give gaming a chance. I just don't see that out there right now, and it amazes me that that is the case.

Sunday, July 15, 2007

Finally Printed .81 of Quick Charts & Other Stuff

It took me three efforts to finally get Version .81 of the HotDC Quick Charts printed. What a pain that was. Apparently, the disc I used is bad, but only some times. Went to Kinkos Monday, and they could not get the computer to read the disc. The next day, I went elsewhere, and they had problems reading it on some computers. The one that could read it would not let them print. He tried for like a half an hour. Funny thing was that it read on both my computer and laptop when I got home. Weird.

I appreciated the effort, so I returned to that place the next day to make only my second copy of the Quick Start Charts pdf. The first was way back at Version .6. Success. I began another adventure at the local game store for a copy of Knights of the Dinner Table BOT 19 that hasn't ended yet, but I don't want to get into that. Was a bit frustrating, but oh well. Money saved, until next week anyway.

By the way, I find it very interesting that KenzerCo has elected not to renew their license with Wizards, which means the next version of Hackmaster will be with KenzerCo IP. It will be interesting to see what they come up with, and they say a Basic Edition of Hackmaster will be released as well.

Back to the printing. One reason I like doing this is because I can look up close at the printed work to find mistakes, and there were lots of them to find. I'm thinking of offering a 32 page version of this deal on lulu soon, and I want to flesh it out better if I do. All that you need to begin playing this game will be included, but if you want better explanations and better descriptions, you will have to wait until the rule book is done. When will that be? I don't know.

I've read the Quick Charts a few times and have added, tweaked, cleaned up and fixed it as best I can. I have a few other additions, but it's getting closer to 1.0, which means release that sucker on lulu. That's the thought right now anyway. I may add 3rd Degree Creatures to it, but we'll see. Gotta save something for the Basic HotDC Rulebook.

I've been reading with interest a thread over at enworld centering around the Old School Reference Document and the legality thereof. Goblinoid Games had asked one of the people responsible for The Wizard's OGL and D20 documents a question about OSRIC and his opinion of it. The answer was interesting in that this person still is troubled by some of it. I imagine that Daniel at Goblinoid Games may be concerned as well since he is set to release Labyrinth Lord within a few weeks.

I am very excited about LL myself and am considering whether to do an adventure for it, but the legality issues are a concern. This is why HotDC went where it went, away from 20 sided dice and D&D terms. I have gone out of my way to not use certain terms, even those that are likely not owned by The Wizards. This is because I don't want to be accused of stealing IP, even if some things aren't owned. I have tweaked some of my rules along the way to get further away from them, while maintaining that simple feel of the old school game, or so I hope.

I will continue to change it even more. I have my eye on a few things at the moment that I think need to be different one being the way in which Mages and Priests earn their Incantations at each Degree. I will discuss this more in the future as I make a decision on how to proceed. One of the nice things about printing these Quick Start Charts on paper is being able to look at them and adjusting them from there. I'm looking forward to a future printing where I go with an 11 by 17 printing in book form, which will help me determine if this sucker goes to lulu or if I wait for the Basic HotDC Rulebook to be finished.

Sunday, July 8, 2007

Work Has Begun On Setting Map For HotDC

Inspired by The Known Lands map that Goblinoid Games has done for the upcoming Labyrinth Lord game, I have begun working on the map for Three Kings Island. I really can't wait to see this map all polished and nice looking. The map originated around 1985 or so, if I recall correctly. It will be an official campaign setting for Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl, based after the events that occured with our old characters. This is very early in development as I need to consult notes. There are changes being made, including the addition of a town called Dragon Vale that will lead directly to The Secret City Of Modayvia. I'm not rushing on the map though.

Should armor absorb some damage, take a beating and need to be repaired? I'm exploring these possibilities. As I've said before, all options are on the table with this game. I want an old school feel and simple rules like the old red box game, but I'm also trying to make it different. I have penned optional Attack Strength and Defense Strength training rules and Optional Skills rules. As of now, they aren't official HotDC rules, but optional rules.

The HotDC Quick Start Charts project will receive attention this week, but I'm planning to refocus my attention to the HotDC Basic Edition Rulebook itself. There's lots to be done with it, and the Quick Charts project has been a prime focus in recent days. At any rate, work continues on the project.

Friday, July 6, 2007

A Quick Charts Update

Just a quick note to update things. If I do release the HotDC Quick Charts book, it's not ready yet. For one thing, I am still finding and correcting mistakes. Secondly, I am still making changes. Currently, I am looking at the Treasure Charts and considering changes. Everything from a minor adjustment to a full scale change is being considered. I have been working on cover ideas and have one done. Not sure it will be the official one though.

I am also considering the Demeanor rule at the moment. Will I go basic with it, good, indifferent and bad or something like that? Or possibly a point system kept by the Hero Guide? I'm not really sure. Not really a fan of the rule. Rather than a word like good written on the Game Character Sheet, I'd like the Gamer's actions to really be reflected somehow. It needs to be simple to keep within the spirit of what HotDC is about. For the time being, there is no rule.

Thursday, July 5, 2007

Quick Start Charts Book TOC

This is the Table Of The Content for the Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl Quich Start Charts book Version .81 as it stands now:

Table Of Contents

4 Rolling Your Character Ability Scores, Quick Start For Starting Your Game Character, Might Chart

5 Cunning Charts, Agility Chart, Optional Stats.

6 Race Ability Chart, Profession Ability Chart, Degree Advancement Chart, Character Life Dice Chart

7 Priest Repel Living Dead Chart, Rogue Ability Chart, Rolling For Starting Money

8 Items Cost & Weight List, Movement Charts

9 Resistance Roll Rules, Creature Base Resistance Roll Numbers, Race Resistance Roll Adjustments, Hireling Cost Chart, Hired Help Response Chart

10-11 Mage Incantation Chart, Mage 0, Ist and 2nd Degree Incantations

12-13 Priest Incantation Chart, Priest 0, Ist and 2nd Degree Incantations

14 Attack Strength Description & Chart, Defense Strength Description & Chart, Languages Learned Chart

15 Weapon Damage/AS Adjustment Chart, Armor DS Adjustment Chart, Game Character ADS Base Numbers, Suggested Creature Strength Base Numbers, Quest Completion AP Bonus Chart, Creature AP Awards & Bonuses

16 Combat Procedure Chart, Creature Encounter Reaction Chart, Missile Weapon Range Adjustment Chart, Resolve

17-18 0, Ist and 2nd Degree Creature Charts

19 Rules For Bandaging, Resting To Heal, Keeping Track Of Time, First Move & Alertness Rolls, Looking For Hidden Doors or Listing At The Door, Roaming Creatures Check

20-21 Treasure Charts

22 Optional Rules (Special Skills and Attack Strength & Defense Strength Training)

23 Game Character Sheet

24-26 Things A Hero Guide Should Know, The Basic Adventure

27-28 Dungeon Maps (2 levels)

A Few HotDC Updates

The HotDC Quick Start Charts booklet Version .81 is at 28 pages at the moment and in the last week or so has been updated to include a two level dungeon map with some suggestions for what to put in the dungeon. Also included is a HotDC Game Character Sheet.

I have given some thought to doing a free pdf magazine called The Hero's Chronicle. I would probably start with some of the posts here. I still want to do the Monty Haul article or what may be a series of them. This would draw on experiences from games I was a part of years ago.

HotDC rules continue to evolve. Safety Throws are now Resistance Rolls, and the Quick Start Chart book has been updated. I also updated the Priest Repel Living Dead Chart to be different than what it was. It was derivative of the old red book when I started, and now it is less so. This is on purpose as I am trying to make HotDC more unique to itself, while familliar in feeling.

In the HotDC Quick Start Chart pdf, it comments that the rules can and will change. The fact is, this game is evolving. I have an adea where it's going, but new ideas are coming to me all of the time. I intend to go with my feelings on this and see where they take me, but I want to keep it simple.

Here is an outline of things discussed in the Things a Hero Guide should know segemant of the Quick Start Chart Book. I may end up sharing this whole version on the blog in the future:

Things A Hero Guide Should Know

1-Adjusting The Creature Strengths
2-A Word About Treasure
3-Awarding Adventure Points
4-On Impartiality
5-What Is The Point Of The Adventure
6-What To Tell The Gamers And What To Keep Secret
7-What Is Available In Town
8-About Traps

The Frustration Of Losing Info. From A Disc

A couple days ago, I was typing a piece for the HotDC Quick Start Charts called Things A Hero Guide Should Know. I was using the lap top and writing it to a disc. The next morning, I went to get the data off of that disc and move it to the main computer. Unfortunately, I had a bad disc. An hour and a half of writing lost. Pretty much pissed me off, but I got back to work and retyped it. At this point, The HotDC Quick Start Charts booklet is 28 pages, and I don't know what I could add to this other than 3rd Degree Creatures. Actually, I have already started writing stats on those.

The whole point of this booklet was to give me quick reference notes for more testing, but I could end up releasing it soon. I'm still unsure at the moment, but I do know I want to get back to work on the main book again.