Monday, May 14, 2007

The Secret City Of Modayvia

I have already posted about the first Adventure I intend to do for Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl, based on my brother's first dungeon that was called If In Doubt, Seek It Out. I have the map from that Dungeon, but not the info on what was inside. I do recall some of it, and the general plot line will resemble some of that. It will involve a plot to animate the dead into a Living Dead army. The map my brother did will only be one level of what will probably be at least four.

There will be an Adventure Campaign Setting map based on Three Kings Island. Possibly a map of the neighboring island, The Malzeenes Island. The latter island was the first campaign setting my brother did. Don't have the original of that, but I have a replica. Three Kings Island will be the main setting at this point, and that map may appear in the HotDC Basic Rulebook.

The If In Doubt Adventure, which will probably get a new name, is tentatively set to be the first Adventure for HotDC, though it may be the second if I do a 0 Degree lead in Adventure. However, I am toying with the idea of putting The Secret City Of Moldayvia underneath the If In Doubt dungeon.

This is all just ideas at this point, but the Secret City will have a few secrets of it's own. A group that runs things from the shadows, whose reach goes all the way to the surface of Three Kings Island. The people of this city are under the impression that the world above has been destroyed and is unsafe. Well, that's a few tidbits for now. Just part of the thought process.

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