Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Gencon Bound? A Plug For Labyrinth Lord

I have been in contact with my good friend Don. We worked together in auto racing when I was writing and announcing a few years back. He lives in Indy and has been telling me I need to get out there for a visit. Well, I mentioned a while back that Gencon was happening there and this would be an opportunity to visit and see this big convention for the first time. Don and his wife Linda are not only friends, but they sponsored me during my last few years publishing my racing magazine. They were willing to sponsor my way to Indy and put me up at their place. The offer has been there, but I hesitated out of fear of flying.

Over the last few days, I have been ready to go to this deal. Dave Arneson will be there. Gary Gygax, Frank Mentzer, the guys from KenzerCo., Goodman Games, Flying Buffalo and on and on. I decided I needed to go to this thing and see what it's all about. Don told me last weekend that the offer is still there, but I needed to act fast. Yesterday, I made that call to Don and said I was in. Within the next day or so, I will hear word on the plane ticket, and then it will be official. It looks like I will be going to Indy to visit my good friend and check out the racing scene (that's for another blog) and going to Gencon.

I'm excited for the opportunity, and it's another one I may not have had if not for Don. I was number crunching pretty hard this last weekend, but I didn't think I could quite pull it off. Just a few too many expenses. I may have the HotDC Quick Start Charts available on lulu by then, which would technically make me a published game designer if I do. Since lulu will have a booth there, people would be able to check it out at the convention. That's a pretty cool thought. Of course, this also means I will probably post my observations of Gencon. As I don't have my badge yet, I can't sign up for any of the presentations. Should have gotten on this earlier, I know. There are a few I'd like to make, but we'll see.

I was posting at Dragonsfoot with Daniel of Goblinoid Games. He's already published, and his next project looks to be a few days from release, the Retro Clone Labyrinth Lord. I'd love to have taken on this project, but I just didn't feel comfortable with the legal questions. Daniel has made some mods for OSRIC, so he's more familiar with this deal. What I've seen looks good, and there may be a possibility a mod I do in the future will be made compatible for Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl and Labyrinth Lord. I must say I considered giving up on HotDC when I heard about LL, but I didn't. I still think I have something good here, and there's room for both of us.

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