Wednesday, September 19, 2007

A Bigger Dwarven Dungeon & Other Notes

It's been kind of hectic here for the last week or so, but I am creating for this project and other stuff. Sometimes it does get a little overwheling and you need to step back and look at things.

The HotDC Quick Start Charts book is up on Lulu and has had seven downloads so far. Not bad considering we haven't really been pusing sales just yet. I have a dungeon map and general ideas for what to do with it in the book, but I want more than that. When the next phase is completed, I will probably push a little harder.

That next phase is Danger in the Dwarven Dungeon. This was meant to be a two level dungeon at the start, but it may end up covering three in the release. Once more, rumors are that there are several levels of dungeon below that Dwarven farm!

I can't get too much into it at this time, but a back ground story for Pradius Stoutheart is being developed at this moment, and it ties him in with the bigger campaign picture that is emerging on Three Kings Island!

I think I have a nice dungeon crawl in development with this one, so I'm not rushing it too hard. I want to do it right. There will be role play opportunities here, and the party can emerge as heroes to the town of Dragon Vale after this one. But, there's much more than just this Adventure brewing!

Now, if you use the dungeon and plot line suggested in the HotDC Quick Start Charts book, it actually ties in with this Adventure and the bigger picture. Things are happening that will keep the party occupied as they rise in Degree and become Heroes by title.

So, I'm pretty happy about what's happening. I have opened up the file and begun typing. There's lots to do. I have a lot written that needs to be typed and a lot more to write. I don't know how many pages it will be or when the release date will be. These and other details will emerge in the weeks ahead.

The first issue of The Hero's Chronicle is being prepared as well. I have hand written the Editor's Notes column for it. Need to type it. The first issue will contain posts from this blog about game development. The next two probably will as well. I may have additional stuff in the second issue not typed here first, such as Stupid Things We Did At The Table and notes on Danger In The Dwarven Dungeon. One step at a time though. I want to get the first issue together first. The pdf will be free on Lulu when ready

I am revisiting an old project for release before the year is over. It's not game related, but I mention it because it may take time from HotDC. Also, I am doing some prep work for another project that will hopefully be done in 2008. Not game related, but there's that time issue.

HotDC is still my main project. Realistically, I may not get the HotDC First Edition Rulebook done before the year's end. I could push it, but I like my time with my family and getting out and excesizing. The computer has to go off sometime.

I plan to hand write outlines for two novel ideas I have. One called "he Do Over and the other Playing The Role. I intend to use the 21 Steps as learned from Michael Stackpole to do this. The first is sort of auto biographical, to a point, but it takes a science fiction turn. What if you could talk to your younger self? What would you say?

The second book will look at the early RPG community as it is created and is pure fiction. Some of it may seem like real life, but it's not. One reason I'm saying this is that I don't want people thinking it's about Gary or Dave or anybody. It won't be. It's just a story idea I have.

If anything comes of this after the 21 Steps, I'll probably post about it here.

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