Saturday, June 16, 2007

More Spells, More Charts, Work Continues

Did some more of the charts for my quick booklet of Basic HotDC rules last night. I have to admit that I didn't think I'd been getting that much done lately, but the charts opened my eyes a bit. The rules are coming along nicely. The main thing will be describing them all in the rule book. Does this mean the book is coming along faster than planned? I don't want to say at the moment. Perhaps, but perhaps not. I just want it done right.

Last night, however, something happened that was not anticipated. While doing quick notes for 1st Degree Incantations for Priests, I veered off into uncharted 0 Degree Incantation territory. The next thing you know, we had 0 Degree incantations for Mages and Priests. A 0 Degree Mage will still get 1 1st Degree Incantation and 2 0 Degree Incantations, while the Priest does not receive a 1st Degree Incantation until he earns 1st Degree.

Now, I understand the danger of making overly powerful Incantations for 0 Degree, and I don't think that has happened. However, I do like the idea of having them. It just felt right when I drew it up on the notepad, so I went with it. It's another area where HotDC differs with the old red book, but it propbably won't be the last. The idea is to keep it simple, similar, but different, from that old book. I'm feeling pretty good about the progress so far, but there's work to be done.

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