Thursday, June 14, 2007

Charts & Other Stuff

I have been typing a little bit of Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl stuff lately, believe it or not. Mainly, it's been charts. I am working on an Item Weight & Cost chart that will help deal with movement in the game. I have done the Treasure charts, 0 and 1st Degree Creature charts, Priest Repell Living Dead charts, Degree Progression charts and Adventure Point Rewards charts.

What I am after is a mini booklet with vital information for running an HotDC game. Rather than having to sift through that old notepad, which is falling apart, and the other papers, I want a quick source for info. I have other charts that need doing, such as Rogue Ability charts and Weapon Damage charts, and I will be working on them today. If the test session goes like I'm hoping, I intend to step up the work on the rule book.

As it is, I have worked on the brief description of an Elf for Part 2 of the HotDC Rulebook. That has been hand written, and I will type it as soon as it is done. Halflings are next, and then the descriptions of the four core races and professions will be done. The Half Dragon and Felinoid races are still on the drawing board.

One blog post I want to get into soon is about the challenges of being a good Hero Guide. I will draw on the many mistakes and the sucesses that my old group had playing the old game. It's a delicate balance, and it's not to hard to go from a Monty Haul HG to a Character Killer HG. I have several thoughts on this subject, so there may be several posts on the subject as a running series.

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