Friday, April 13, 2007

Gearing Up For Another Test

This time, it looks like it may be a six Gamer Character Adventure. In addition to our two surviving adventurers from the first Dungeon Crawl, Sylvia The Mage and Brannigan The Warrior, we will have four others. I'm looking to test the other races, so there will be a Dwarf, Elf, Kuduk (Halfling) and a possible new HotDC race, a Felinoid.

Still planning things out. The first Dungeon Adventure took place in a Dungeon underneath the Warrior's Traning School. This one, however, may take place outside town in a Dungeon built into a mountainside. In fact, this may become the first HotDC Dungeon release and a prelude to the one I spoke of previously (When In Doubt, Seek It Out). The reason being is that the other one will be more difficult for new characters.

I am planning this one to be for 0 Degree (Level) characters, so it needs to be a little less difficult. With the mechanics used in the Battle-Defense System (BDS), it does matter. Game balance is important in any game, and you do have to stay close to the guidlines in HotDC. Otherwise it could be either too easy or too hard. If you go the 0 Degree route, which I prefer for the simple reason that there are only 10 Degrees in Basic HotDC, you don't want to face too many 1st Degree Creatures.

Now, this is all wide open and uncharted territory for me, and I'm simply trying to do my best with it. While writing the rules in an easy to understand way, I'm also trying to come up with some good Dungeon and Adventure Setting ideas as well. It all takes time. If the BDS works out as well as I'm hoping it does in the test, that will be another hurdle cleared, a very important hurdle.

So, I'm not sure when the test will happen, but soon. Results will appear on this page as soon as it goes down.

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