Friday, March 16, 2007

The Adventure Begins

For a while now, I have been jotting down notes and creating a new Role Playing Game System called Heroes Of The Dungeon Crawl. It is my attempt to return to a style of play reminescent of some of the older games I played years ago. Back then, we only needed the core rule book, some dice and paper, not the pile of books and miniatures you need for some of the popular RPG's these days. While I would love to see those old rule books reprinted and introduced to a new generation of gamers, I don't see that happening any time soon.

What I am doing is not simply rewriting those rules or using the D20 licesnse. That has been done rather nicely by the people making OSRIC and Basic Fantasy, respectively. I want to keep things as simple as possible for HotDC and these rules will be based on a six sided dice system. With this page, I will post updates on how things are progressing, and I look forward to any input you may have. I also intend to create a web page for HotDC as things progress.

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