Saturday, October 6, 2007

The "To Do" List Keeps Getting Bigger

First, I'm keeping this bumped for easy access.

The Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl Basic Charts Edition is on Lulu for book or free download HERE

I did my own version of Dungeon Squad that you can get for free HERE

The HotDC Quick Start Charts Lulu Page has been hit 75 times and downloaded for free 11 times. I have begun to put it out there a little bit more, and I'm sure that has helped. I'm just happy it's being noticed. There's still much to do, but the game is playable at this point.

Now, there seems to be a growing list of things to do, but nothing has been finished. I hate when that happens.

1-The Hero's Chronicle
2-Danger in the Dwarven Dungeon
3-A Labyrinth Lord Module tentatively titled Quest For The Ancient Tome
4-A non game related book that I need to finish
5-HotDC First Edition Rule Book
6-A non game related book I plan to start working on in 2008

The Hero's Chronicle

I mentioned in a previous post that I had laid this magazine out already. The content is written and consists largely or early blog posts. The pdf will be free. A book may be offered for only a small fee to any who want it.

I have given thought to the second issue, and here are a few thoughts on that one. I may be debuting content in that book not previously posted here. Of course, that's the future of the magazine, but I have some stuff I want to put into the first few issues that document the early days of HotDC creation and my Gencon 2007 experience. Here are three ideas I have for issue two.

1-Stupid Things We Did At The Table - This will debut in the magazine at this point, though it may be posted here after that issue is released. It documents my early days of playing and the things we did that would be frowned upon by the game makers.

2-Another Look At HotDC Combat - This one will look specifically at the Armor Level System, raise some OGL questions that may or may not have been addressed by the OSRIC guys and offer my take. What makes the old red book's combat system unique to it? Well, that's what this column will be about.

3-An Adventure For HotDC - This will be the small Quest For The Emerald Gem dungeon that was used as the first HotDC test. It's already been written, so why the heck not?

The third thought came to me while I was out walking around today. These are things I would like to do in the second issue, but I need to get the first issue done. I plan to work on that a little bit more tonight.

Danger in the Dwarven Dungeon
This one has had work done to it, believe it or not. I have created a back story for the dungeon, Pradius Stoutheart and his comrades and the town of Dragon Vale. A main plot has been outlined, and many of the rooms of the first two levels have been assigned encounters or whatever. Level 3 needs a little work, but maps for all three levels have been drawn up. Some typing has been done, but there's more to be done.
Labyrinth Lord
We've had quite a bit of excitement over on the Labyrinth Lord forum. There have been discussions about the future, ideas have been shared, the first products have been created and people are getting more familiar with each other. What's not to be excited about.? Daniel Proctor has brought the old game of our youth back to light and given us a canvas to paint upon again. Some are already worried it isn't going fast enough, but there's no reason to panic. Things are right on schedule.
I pick up my copy of LL at Barnes & Noble, hopefully, early next week. When I get it, I will be looking at my idea for a first LL Module, set near Dolmvay at an old and abandoned Wizard's School. I call it Quest for the Ancient Tome. I already have many notes and an overall outline of where the buildings are and what creatures are there. If I feel comfortable with it, I will proceed.
Everything Else
The first book is already written. I had a pdf for it, but it needed work. I need to put the Table Of Contents in it, possibly rename it, make sure the cover and layout are set and put it out there. It's not game related, but I doubt it will take long to finish, perhaps a day or two. I worked on this book over the course of a few years and finished it last year. I hesitated to do anything with it, but it will be published.
I'm not trying to overwhelm myself here, and I generally won't allow myself to spend too many hours staring at the computer. The Labyrinth Lord stuff probably shouldn't be in the top three right now, but I'm excited about this game and want to support it as it gets going. Though I played around with Dungeon Squad a little bit, I doubt I will have time for any games other than HotDC and LL for the time being.
There's enough on my plate to keep me busy for a while. Hopefully, The Hero's Chronicle will be released within the week. That's all for now. Stay Tuned for more in the days ahead.

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