I want to introduce you to one of the original Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl. His name is Brannigan, and he's an Applicant (0 Degree) Human Warrior. He was one of four adventurers who set out into the dungeon located underneath the Warrior Training School to retrieve a valuable emerald for the mayor of the city. Only two came back. At some point soon (I hope), Brannigan, fellow survivor Sylvia and four others will adventure again in what may become the first official Dungeon Adventure for HotDC.
Background: When HotDC was first tested, it was even more bare bones than it is now. Several rules have been written and others rewritten. New Safety Throw, Combat and Character Movement rules will be in effect next time, and Brannigan and Sylvia's stats had to be adjusted accordingly.
The big change is combat. When I started creating HotDC, using a six sided dice system, I adjusted the combat system from that old red book to work with three six sided dice. It worked okay as it should. In the end, I felt the Armor Level System was too similar to the Armor Class System, and I did not want that. Back to the drawing board.
In that first session, Brannigan took a beating. He was taken out by a Kobold Grunt at the start. After being bandaged and secured in a room, the group continued and found Giant Bees. I believe it was the Priestess Andrea who bravely went to the hive, scooped some of that Bee Honey and brought it back to Brannigan. It's curing properties revived Brannigan, but he was stung to death when they returned to the bees, dying from sting and not poison. More honey saved him.
A Quick Thought: This is a concern of mine. Death will occur often early in HotDC, just as it did in that old game many of us knew and loved. You don't want to make things too easy, but you don't want to make them too hard either. Ah, balance, sweet balance. THIS is the challenge of creating rules for this game. Back to Brannigan...
Name: Brannigan
The name comes from Futurama and Captain Zap Brannigan, in case you were wondering.
Race: Human --- Profession: Warrior
In HotDC, the rules allow for any race to be any profession, but NO multi profession characters. This is another break away from the old red book, and there will be plenty more. The idea is to create a similar feel of easy understandability, but not to copy. Let others do that.
Degree: 0 --- Title: Applicant --- Adventure Points: 323
I love the fact that HotDC starts a character at 0 Degree. The rules will allow the more traditional 1st Degree start, but why not start at 0? What have you earned yet? As Basic HotDC only goes to 10th Degree, that gives you more to shoot for in the long run. At 1000 Adventure Points, you become 1st Degree, or start at 0 AP's and 1st Degree if you want, but you don't get to 2nd Degree until 2000 AP's either way. There are still advantages at starting at 1st Degree, but there will be perks for starting 0 Degree too, as explained in the HotDC Basic Rulebook.
Might: 12
This gives him a +2 addition on attacks. When you roll up stats, you get three six sided dice. The rules allow that had there been three 6's, Brannigan could have had a 13 Might and a +3 Bonus. I expect that to be rare, but it will happen from time to time on any of the stats.
Cunning: 9
That's about average, but that's all you need from a Warrior.
Agility: 11 This is a good score and gives Brannigan a +2 on his defense against attacks.
Note: The HotDC rule book will offer a few options on the skills that aren't listed as official rules, but the Hero Guide in your group may want to use them. This includes two additional skills. As the testing is being done without those rules, I'll leave it to the Basic HotDC Rulebook for further explaination there.
Attack Strength: 9 --- Defense Strength: 8
This system is similar to the Fighting Fantasy System, but more advanced. I didn't realize the similarity until after I started working on it, but it is different nonetheless. Every Character has a base AS and DS score. Every time they gain a Degree, their base AS and DS scores go up. What weapons they use will efffect AS and what armor is used effects DS. Might and Agility scores also effect AS and DS.In HotDC, Game Characters have base AS and DS scores, while the Creatures will have a base Combat Strength score that acts as an AS or DS depending on the situation. Essentially, you put your AS score up against the CS and there is a bonus or a penalty to your roll depending on how the scores compare. Then, roll two six sided dice to determine if a hit is scored. If it is, you roll for damage depending on what weapon is equiped. To determine if a Creature hits, you do the same with with it's CS and your DS scores.This system has already been reworked several times, and I haven't even run a test on it yet. We are preparing to though. It may get reworked again. Game balance is important to me. What I like about the Attack Defense System is that it allows the Hero Guide to adjust as he needs to, and you can take lower Degree Creatures and make them tougher or vise versa to shake things up a bit.As Brannigan and the other Characters have their scores set, I hope to get another test session together soon. Life Points: 6At 0 Degree, you automatically get half your maximum Life Points, rather than rolling for them. When you earn your 1st Degree, you get the other half. This is one advantage to starting 0 Degree as you have to roll otherwise and may not have maximum Life Points at 1st Degree. The more Life Points you have, of course, the better the chances at survival.
Weight Carried: Not Calculated --- Movement: Not Calculated
There are rules in place for this, but Brannigan's totals haven't been calculated yet. Personally, I'm not a big fan of this rule, but it is a realistic rule and is needed for the Board Game Rules that I intend to have in the Basic HotDC Rulebook.
Safety Throws
Magic & Incantations: 16
Elemental Attacks (Fire, Cold, etc.): 15
Paralize or Petrify: 14
Poison: 12
The HotDC Safety Throw System has been made to differ from the old red book. You will roll to see if your chances improve in all four categories at each Degree. You will roll three dice to make a save, and if your number equals or beats your number, you make it.
Money: 705 Gold Pieces
Brannigan and Sylvia got a bigger share of the reward from their first Adventure as the other two died. In HotDC, there will be plenty of things to do with your money. In the old game, it seemed like we had a lot of money, but nothing to do with it. Well, in HotDC, there is better equipment to buy, and things like Magic Incantation Scrolls and Healing Potions will be available at a price. Given the chances of death, you may want to get those potions from your local Mage in town when you can. You can bet Brannigan will.
Enchanted (+1) Standard Sword
Probably too good a weapon for so early in the camapain (1 Adventure so far). I will have a post on the dangers of Monty Haul Experience in the future. Swords and most weapons come in two or three varieties in HotDC. The higher the variety, the stronger, but more expensive. This effects game balance, so I am still studying it.
Chain Mail Armor
The old red book game made having the bast non magical armor at the beginning easy. This is something I wish to change as it makes things more challenging.
Shield Bow (20 Arrows)
Rations 2
Flasks Water
3 Torches
1 Flask Oil
Tinder Box & Flint
50 Foot Rope
2 Bandage Kits
Potion Healing
Back Pack
That's Brannigan. He is the highest ranking Warrior of the group, but there is a yet to be named Dwarven Warrior joining the ranks. This offers the most insight to Heroes of the Dungeon Crawl that I have offered so far. Some of the things mentioned here will probably be changed again. Just when I think I have something figured out, something must be changed or I have another idea. Ah, the joys of the creation process. Can't wait until the day I have the printed book in my hands, though I'm not sure when that will be.
Tuesday, May 29, 2007
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